When a hard drive is damaged physically, unforntunately spare parts can not be found inside domestic computers or electronics. These spare parts must be obtained from another compatible hard drive, for which the data recovery engineers are tasked with sourcing so they can replace the broken piece of the patient hard drive, this has to be done in a Certified Clean Room (see Our Tools), to not run the risk of contamination.
The following are guidelines to maximize compatibility when searching for Head Readers, which is necessary to perform a Head change during the data recovery process. Please note that there is no way to garuantee that a donor hard drive will be 100% compatible, however these guidelines will increase the likelihood of the donor hard drive being adequate.
Take note that various parameters are essential (such as the configuration of the Head Readers or pre-amplification values) and can only be achieved with highly specialised hardware and software tools, like the ones we have in our laboratory. It is also useful to be aware that a large part of the information and specifications needed are only provided by Hard drive banks dedicated to providing laboratories around the would with donor hard drives.
We also have our own hard drive bank (that forms a part of the global network) perfectly cataloged and standardized. You can see a part of this information (we have filters, and other records that are not publicly accessible) here: http://recuperaciondedato.com/listado-de-discos
We have included an example of the labels for each brand highlighting which codes and numbers are to be searched for. Your label can be different, depending on the date of manufacture or the specific product line the hard drive belongs to.
Chances that a donor hard drive which is 100% compatible are low, which is why we have prioritised the parameters as follows:
- Red - Essential. The donor will not be compatible without matching this information.
- Orange - High priority. Often this is required to match to achieve compatibility.
- Yellow - Medium priority. Matching this information can improve the chances of compatibility.
- Green - Low priority. These values normally do not affect the outcome but can be considered when choosing between more than one compatible doner hard drive.
Select the brand | |
Fujitsu | Samsung |
Hitachi | Seagate |
IBM | Toshiba |
Maxtor | Western Digital |
Western Digital
Caviar 1st Edition

In general these hard drives are older than 10 years. They can be differentiated by having a rather square PCB (printed circuit board) compared with the current "L" shaped PCBs.
Use the following criteria to find a donor hard drive:
- Model Number (or MDL): The first part must match and in the second part, at least the three characters indicated in red must also match. For example: WD800BB-55JKA0
- Heads Map: The donor needs an identical physical map of the head readers (Column PH - Physical Heads). It is okay for the donor hard drive to have more head readers than the patient as long as the pacient has the platters to support the heads however above all the head readers present need to be identical (this value can only be obtained with specialized tools).
- DCM: Locate the J or 2 within the DCM (it is towards the end of the value). At least ensure that the J or 2 and the previous character match. For example: HSBHNTJAH.
- Country of manufacture: This needs to be the same.
- Date of manufacture: There can not be more than 3 months difference with the patient hard drive (the closer the better).
- Serial Number: The first 4 characters need to match.
- PCB Revision: Need to be identical.
Marvell (version 1)
These devices can be identified by the Code Family in the model number (it is the third or fourth digit after the hyphen). The following families of this type: Mammoth (family codes: EY, EZ,FA,FC,FJ,FM,HE,JE,JS,JT,JY); Sabre (JH, JJ, JK, JL, JM, JN, JP, JU, KS, LN, MG); Hawk (MH, MJ, MK, ML, MV, MW, MY, MZ, NC, ND, NE, NF, NG, NH, NJ, NK, NT, NV, NY, PA); Hawk-2 (SG, SH, TG); Starling (RD, RE, RF, RJ, RK, RL); Bucaneer (KE, KF, KG, KM); Zeus (MN, MP, VJ); y Raider (PC, PD, PE, PF, PG). Even when these families say Caviar SE on the label, they are of Marvell architecture.
Use the following criteria to find a donor hard drive.
- Model Number (or MDL): It is ideal for the entire number to match; but if you can not find an exact match you have to at least match the first part and the three digits indicated in red in the second half. For example: WD1600JB-40TGB0
- Heads Map: The donor needs an identical physical map of the head readers (Column PH - Physical Heads). It is okay for the donor hard drive to have more head readers than the patient as long as the pacient has the platters to support the heads however above all the head readers present need to be identical (this value can only be obtained with specialized tools).
- DCM: Locate the J or 2 within the DCM (it is towards the end of the value). At least ensure that the J or 2 and the previous character match. Also if the first 4 characters preceding the J or 2 match it will have a better chance of being compatible.
- Date of manufacture: There can not be more than 3 months difference with the patient hard drive (the closer the better).
- Preamplifier: Need to match the Preamp Vendor and the Preamp revision (these values can only be obtained with specialized tools).
- Microjogs: Each MicroJobs value should not differ by more than 300, however the closer the better (this value can only be obtained with specialized tools).
- Country of manufacture: This needs to be the same.

Marvell (version 2)
These are the newest models from Western Digital.
Use the following criteria to find a donor hard drive.
- Model Number (o MDL): It is ideal for the entire number to match; but if you can not find an exact match you have to at least match the first part and the three digits indicated in red in the second half. For example: WD1200BEVT-22A23T0
- Heads Map: The donor needs an identical physical map of the head readers (Column PH - Physical Heads). It is okay for the donor hard drive to have more head readers than the patient as long as the pacient has the platters to support the heads however above all the head readers present need to be identical (this value can only be obtained with specialized tools).
- DCM: Locate the J or 2 within the DCM (it is towards the end of the value). At least ensure that the J or 2 and the previous character match. Also if the first 4 characters preceding the J or 2 match it will have a better chance of being compatible.
- Preamplifier:Need to match the Preamp Vendor and the Preamp revision (these values can only be obtained with specialized tools).
- Microjogs: Each MicroJobs value should not differ by more than 200, however the closer the better (this value can only be obtained with specialized tools).
- Country of manufacture: This needs to be the same.
- Date of manufacture: There can not be more than 3 months difference with the patient hard drive (the closer the better).

These hard drives can be identified by the dot (.) within the firmware number.
Use the following criteria to find a donor hard drive.
- Model Number: Needs to match.
- Heads Map:The donor needs an identical physical map of the head readers (Column PH - Physical Heads). It is okay for the donor hard drive to have more head readers than the patient as long as the pacient has the platters to support the heads however above all the head readers present need to be identical (this value can only be obtained with specialized tools).
- Serial number: The second and third characters of the serial number need to match. Though not necessary matching the first character as well will improve compatibility
- Firmware : Optional — For hard drives from the series 7 or earlier the entire number needs to match.
- Site Code: Needs to match (indicates the place of manufacture).
- Part Number (P/N): The first part needs to match, and it is better if the second part matches as well.
- Date Code: There can not be more than 3 months difference with the patient hard drive (the closer the better). Use the following link Date Code Converter to convert the Date Code to the Date of manufacture.

These hard drives do NOT contain a dot (.) in the Firmware.
Use the following criteria to find a donor hard drive.
- Model Number: Needs to match.
- Serial number: The second and third characters of the serial number need to match.
- Heads Map: The donor needs an identical physical map of the head readers (Column PH - Physical Heads). It is okay for the donor hard drive to have more head readers than the patient as long as the pacient has the platters to support the heads however above all the head readers present need to be identical (this value can only be obtained with specialized tools).
- Preamplifier type: Optional — At least the first 2 digits need to match.
- Part Number (P/N): The first part needs to match, and it is better if the second part matches as well.
- Site Code: Match the site code. This indicates the location of manufacture.
- Date Code: There can not be more than 3 months difference with the pacient hard drive (the closer the better). Use the following link Date Code Converter to convert the Date Code to the Date of Manufacture.

Older Models
These hard drives can be identified by the two sets of numbers located on the bottom left of the bar code label.
Use the following criteria to find a donor hard drive.
- Model Number: Needs to match.
- Heads Map: The donor needs an identical physical map of the head readers (Column PH - Physical Heads). It is okay for the donor hard drive to have more head readers than the patient as long as the pacient has the platters to support the heads however above all the head readers present need to be identical (this value can only be obtained with specialized tools.
- P/V: Needs to match. It is located on the bottom left of the bar code label. In some labels this value is not shown.
- Part Number (P/N): The first 4 characters need to match.
- Country of Manufacture: Needs to match.
- PCB Revision: Needs to match.
Newer Models
These are 2.5-inch drives, series M7S2, M7E (for example Mercury / Rev .07 / S3M), MP4, MT2, M8E, and M9T,
as well as 3.5-inch drives, series F3 or later. The series can be found printed on the label or on the back side of the PCB.
Use the following criteria to find a donor hard drive.
- Model Number: Needs to match.
- Heads Map: The donor needs an identical physical map of the head readers (Column PH - Physical Heads). It is okay for the donor hard drive to have more head readers than the patient as long as the pacient has the platters to support the heads however above all the head readers present need to be identical (this value can only be obtained with specialized tools).
- Preamplifier: At least the VID (Vendor ID) and PN (Part Number) values need to match, but it is convenient to also match the values of Rev (Revision) and of PA (these values can only be obtained with specialized tools).
- Part Number (P/N): The first 4 characters need to match.
- Platform Id: Required for hot swap and replacement of PCB (this value can only be obtained with specialized tools).
Use the following criteria to find a donor hard drive.
- Model Number: Needs to match.
- Part Number: Needs to match.
- Heads Map: The donor needs an identical physical map of the head readers (Column PH - Physical Heads). It is okay for the donor hard drive to have more head readers than the patient as long as the pacient has the platters to support the heads however above all the head readers present need to be identical (this value can only be obtained with specialized tools).
- MLC: Needs to match.
- Date of manufacture: There can not be more than 3 months difference with the pacient hard drive (the closer the better).
Use the following criteria to find a doner hard drive.
- Model Number: It is best to match the entire model number, if this is not possible at least match the first 8 numbers and the Family Code.
- Country of manufacture: Needs to match.
- Hard drive code: The first part needs to match.
Use the following criteria to find a donor hard drive.
- Model Number:Needs to match.
- Four Letter Code: The first and third digits are the most important to match. However matching all four characters will improve your chances of compatibility.
- Date of manufacture:There can not be more than 3 months difference with the patient hard drive (the closer the better).
Use the following criteria to find a donor hard drive.
- Model Number: Needs to match.
- Part Number: Needs to match.
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