We Recover Data from Any Type of Disk | Data Recovery LLC

Data Recovery of Damaged HDD’s

The constant effort of our Electronic Engineers, in pair with the highest quality standards and a world-class laboratory with a Certified Clean Room class 100, are just a few reasons why we have a higher success rate than the rest (more than 90%) in the Recovery of damaged hard drives in Argentina

We Recover Data from:

recuperación datos discos duro externo USB e interno

Any tipe of Hard Disk

  • Internal HDD’s (SATA, SAS, IDE/ATA...)
  • External HDD’s (USB, FireWire, e-SATA...)
  • NAS
  • DVR
  • Older samples (IDE/XT, ESDI...)
recuperación de datos en Windows Mac y Linux

Any Operating System

  • Windows (NTFS, FAT)
  • MAC (HFS)
  • Linux (Ext3, Ext4)
  • UNIX
  • DOS, Novell NetWare…
recuperamos datos con daños físicos y lógicos

Any type of failure

  • Logical Damage (system crash, formatting, virus...)
  • Physical Damage (mechanical failures)
  • Firmware
  • Crypted by Virus
  • Burning
recuperación datos de Western Digital, Seagate, Toshiba

All Brands

  • Western Digital
  • Seagate
  • Toshiba
  • Hitachi
  • Samsung
  • Maxtor
  • Quantum

A little explanation of the process:

Logical Damage: The hard drive works correctly, but you can’t access to most or any file, this can occur because of deleted files, lost partitions, or accidental formatting. In this type of cases, we recommend to avoid manipulation of the drive because, in general, the OS will start replacing the files you lost with some other files and you will lose you data forever.

Physical Damage: You can’t read or write data on your drive, in some cases it would start clicking or making mechanical noises. The most common physical failure are head crashes and failed motors. In these cases, we also recommend to avoid manipulation of the disk because the heads could be damaged and being scratching the platter (this is where your data is stored). In this type of case, is a requirement the usage of our Certified Clean Room, and that’s because this expensive equipment is the only way to open a disk without polluting it.

¿How can RecuperoDatos.com recover data from HDD’s?

Logical Failure: For cases like this, we use highly specialized hardware and software that allows us to connect the drive in Read Only mode; that programs like Recuva, Pandora Recovery, Recover My Files and other ones you can cross in the Internet, can’t do. Since, to achieve this, you have to have permission to control the OS, that is only possible if you have the tools to do it. This way, in RecuperoDatos.com we make different scans and forensic analysis of your hard disk without running the risk of the OS, programs (antivirus, defragmentation tools) or people altering it.

Physical Failure: In RecuperoDatos.com not only we count with a Certified Clean Room, but also we are the only Laboratory in Argentina that has a wide team of Electronic Engineers highly specialized, that has original HDDSurgery tools for replacing heads, and firmware controller support from ACELab, bringing the to table the highest success rate.

We Recover Data from All Brands of Hard Disk Drives

brands hard drives

We are the only Data Recovery Lab of the region that has accomplished to become partner of one of the biggest HDD manufacturers in the entire world, we are Seagate Partners.

Somos parner Seagate, único laboratorio de recuperación de datos de discos duros

Users and I.T Professionals trust in RecuperoDatos.com to recover data from HDD apparently irrecoverable. We have the most advanced technology in the market worldwide, this able us to recover data from any device, no matter the type of damage, this can be proven by the thousands of cases in which we success every year.

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